That is me. Who am I?
I am a UK based Twitch Streamer, father to a million snotlings, defender of the work realm and guardian to a goddess. In 2023, I began playing Blood Bowl tabletop and streaming Blood Bowl 3 on Twitch. While I'm far from being a world-class coach, I manage to get by, and I've come to really enjoy the sense of community that Blood Bowl fosters. Having said that, I have now established a Blood Bowl 3 league and website for both the Xbox and PC platforms in an effort to give back to the community, helping to create, promote additional growth, and make league information easily accessible.
For this website, I hope to add much more content, such as replays, painting galleries, resource links, podcasts, merchandise, live tabletop and much, much more....
I'm a bash coach, mostly playing as Orcs, Chaos Chosen or Undead for Blood Bowl.
The main organising is done via our discord, please message me for access information.
Email: g0zz4.tv@gmail.com
Stone Knight
I am Stone Knight.
A stone statue that has been brought to life by some hooded figure in 2022
Now i roam the UK playing tabletop Blood Bowl in the hunt for the hooded figure to give back my peace.
Since becoming sentient have taken up the creation of Blood Bowl items from this mysterious resin substance.
If you want to fill you tabletop with these lovely items drop me a message in the discord and i will hook you up with GOZZA related items.
i will be assisting gozza grow this page to the high level he desires.
In BloodBowl my main team is Amazons but do enjoy the lure of an AG team.