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Twitch: Gozza_TV

UK Streamer - Predominately streaming Blood Bowl 3 but will soon be including podcasts and live tabletop to the content. I'm not an expert; I'm just here for the conversations, banter, and meeting amazing individuals from all over the world. 

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Run Bad

Twitch: Run_Bad

Started playing Blood Bowl in 2021 with Blood Bowl II. Now mostly playing Blood Bowl III online, and playing table top tournaments whenever I get the chance

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BB Nut

Twitch: BB_Nut

Warhammer geek and dad, just looking to have fun and play some competitive Blood Bowl and get a little better

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Purple Chest

Twitch: PurpleChest

FUMBBL, Table Top and BB2 Blood Bowl Coaching Legend. Podcaster and commentator. Winner of More online BB Tournaments than any other person. Major Winner, NAF winner, Blitz Pit winner. 300M Swimming Badge Holder. Sometimes I get lucky.

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Blue Jay Streams

I stream at night to keep me out of trouble (mental health). Come hang out, watch some silly YouTube with me and feel free to chat!! I love having someone to talk to.

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Lord Gibby

Twitch: L0rd Gibby

Scottish streamer, who just enjoys playing games, manly play Dead By Daylight but do dabble in other games and open to offers to play other games. Come say hi and join in the fun

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Hey you bloodbowlers,get ready for some bone crushing ball throwing dice rolling action. As a constantly improving player join me on my journey of absolute chaos where you'll be subjected to accidental humour bad puns. I'm looking forward too chatting with and and may nuffle bless your blocking dice

  • Twitch

Tactical Nucular Penguin

Here to stream Blood Bowl mostly, might play some other games at some point.Penguin is not a derogatory term in this stream

  • Twitch

Andy Davo

Twitch: AndyDavo

I have been playing Blood Bowl for over a decade, striving to try and be the best Blood Bowl player on Twitch. My channel aims to be a welcoming, fun and above all helpful experience so we can all pass on what we have learned about the wonderful game of Blood Bowl. All Guides also on YT!

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Electrik Vision

Twitch: Electrik_Vision1

Hello! UK based streamer who plays on Xbox, deep love of takeaways and gaming, good vibes all around. I play Blood Bowl and I’ve got over half a decade of experience and knowledge so if you have any questions feel free to ask.

  • Twitch

Dimmy Gee

Twitch: dimmy_gee

Everyday gamer. It's a passion. Grew up playing things like mega drive an super Nintendo. Came to PC gaming really late. But I love it an decided to share it with you guys. Hope you enjoy the stream... like, sub Blah an all that jazz... But most of all have fun!

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Twitch: benbowbaggins09

A regular Baggins of the shire. Just can't get enough bloodbowl!

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Twitch: GB_Skullz

Just an above average gamer playing games for fun.

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